Yancheng Tianhou Temple(鹽埕天后宮)
Yancheng Tianhou Temple(鹽埕天后宮)was built in 1758 and enshrines Tian Shang Sheng Mu (Mazu,) with Wu Hui Zun Wang (武惠尊王) also enshrined in a secondary role. In the past, there was a harbor with many sailing ships behind the temple, nicknamed “sail harbor”; local residents transported salt from the salt fields to Anping from here, therefore the temple was nicknamed “Sail Harbor Tianhou Temple(帆港天后宮).” A stone stele outside the temple is also worshipped. Under Mazu’s instructions, the stele reached the spiritual state of an immortal, so the temple also has a special Lord Stone.
TEL +886-6-2644245
Address South Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C
Category Religious Temples
Offical Site Offical Site