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Tainan Cultural and Creative Park (台南文化創意產業園區)

Wednesday:08:00 – 22:00





Take a right turn after coming out of Tainan Railway Station and a beautiful red building will be seen under the blue sky, behind it the towering Shangri-la Tainan hotel, creating the best view of old and new landscapes in the city. The building was originally the Tainan Office of the Tainan Branch of the Office of the Taiwan Governor General Monopoly Bureau (台灣總督府專賣局台南支局台南出張所); after renovation, it was turned into Tainan Cultural and Creative Park(台南文化創意產業園區). This once solemn building, off-limits to the general public, is now a good place to visit. Inside the Office, there is an exhibition space with an nostalgic feel where exhibitions are regularly held, and it is also a platform for industry matching and arts talent interaction; various lectures are also periodically held. Many families come to the Park to view trains, eat snacks and take part in DIY classes to make things by hand, spending some quality family time. This is a place for putting life aesthetics into practice and a LOHAS attitude to life.


TEL +886-6-2222681 

Address North Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Culture

Email b16tainan@gmail.com

Open Hours Sunday:08:00 – 22:00
Monday:08:00 – 22:00
Tuesday:08:00 – 22:00
Wednesday:08:00 – 22:00
Thursday:08:00 – 22:00
Friday:08:00 – 22:00
Saturday:08:00 – 22:00

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