Anping Shizai Street Ho Wang House(安平市仔街何旺厝)
When walking on Yanping Old Street, everyone knows Ho Wang House if it’s mentioned on Shizai Street. It is the ancestral home of the founder of Yuen Foong Yu Paper Co., Ho Chuan. Built in 1920, it is nicknamed “Taiwan House”. Currently, it is the Anping Cultural Heritage Hall. It is a very special building in that it is very narrow. To reach the second floor, a very small and steep flight of stairs have to be taken, so care needs to be taken by tourists. The highest record was that eight people in one day once fell on the stairs. While it is now Anping Cultural Heritage Hall, it is still the Ho family ancestral home, therefore photography is not allowed inside.
TEL +886-6-2213597
Address Anping Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C
Category Culture
Open Hours Call in advance