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Yujing Hutou Mountain(玉井虎頭山)




Hutou Mountain (虎頭山), located in Yujing (玉井) at a height of 239m above sea level, is so named because the mountain's terrain resembles a tiger's head. It is a well-known scenic coffee spot in Yujing, with several coffee shops where it can be hard to find a seat on holidays. The coffee shops each have their own unique characteristics, and the landscapes seen from each are slightly different, but they all boast a magnificent view of the village surrounded by mountains. At night, the view turns to an exquisite nightscape, making it a popular spot among young couples for romantic dates. On the hilltop stands a monument to anti-Japanese martyr Yu Qing-fang to commemorate the hero who died in battle.


TEL +886-6-5741141

Address Yujing Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Natural View

Open Hours Free entry, open all day long


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