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Chianan Golf Course(嘉南高爾夫球場)

Saturday:06:00 – 18:00





Located in Guantian District, Tainan City(台南市官田區), and designed by renowned US course design company Willard C. Byrd & Associates, the Course was ranked sixth best in Taiwan in 2005 by Golf Magazine. The landscaping was done by Tim Cox Specialty Grading Service of the US. The course is characterized by its large water hazards, winding stream and undulating fairways. No matter if you look close or far away there is always special scenery to be enjoyed.


TEL +886-6-6900800

FAX +886-6-6902935

Address Guantian Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Outdoor Sports

Email chianan.golf@msa.hinet.net

Open Hours Sunday:06:00 – 18:00
Monday:06:00 – 18:00
Tuesday:06:00 – 18:00
Wednesday:06:00 – 18:00
Thursday:06:00 – 18:00
Friday:06:00 – 18:00
Saturday:06:00 – 18:00

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