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Longtian DistilleryCordyceps militaris Cultural Park(隆田酒廠北蟲草文化展示園區)

Monday:09:00 – 17:00





Originally mainly a maker of distiller’s yeast, in recent years Longtian Distillery(隆田酒廠) has changed its focus to sorghum liquor(高粱酒). In 2012, it combined its existing medicinal wine park and the Cordyceps militaris(北蟲草) theme to create the Cordyceps militaris Cultural Park(北蟲草文化展示園區), the only tourism factory to combine biotechnology and liquor-making in Taiwan. With a medicinal wine theme, the tourism factory gives tourists a multi-sensory experience as well as showing them the diversity of wine and spirits culture. Various foods that have liquor as an ingredient have also been developed such as liquor popsicles, herbal sausages, liquor eggs and “drunken chicken,” all offering tastes that can only be found at Longtian Distillery. As well as tasting good liquor, tourists can also eat their fill of tasty foods here.


TEL +886-6-5794669

FAX +886-6-5793581

Address Guantian Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Factory Tours、Handicapped Access

Open Hours Sunday:09:00 – 17:00
Monday:09:00 – 17:00
Tuesday:09:00 – 17:00
Wednesday:09:00 – 17:00
Thursday:09:00 – 17:00
Friday:09:00 – 17:00
Saturday:09:00 – 17:00

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