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Qigu Sea View Tower(七股觀海樓)

Wednesday:Open 24 hours a day





Many of the precious landscapes of Tainan’s coast are limited to certain seasons; just after a summer afternoon thunderstorm is usually the most magical time. The Qigu Sea View Tower (七股觀海樓) is great spot for photographers to capture the warm variations in colors as the sun goes down. The sky changes color in gradual layers, and within the short one hour of sunset there is a huge range of colors, so that even those who have seen it several times will not get tired of the view.With cloud cover or reflection, then you can see intact light beams unfurling magnificently onto the lagoon. Summer evenings are the best time for photographing from the Sea View Tower’s Z shaped oyster sheds. There are not many streetlamps on the road to Sea View Tower, so be sure to go slowly when leaving at nighttime.


Address Qigu Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Natural View

Open Hours Sunday:Open 24 hours a day
Monday:Open 24 hours a day
Tuesday:Open 24 hours a day
Wednesday:Open 24 hours a day
Thursday:Open 24 hours a day
Friday:Open 24 hours a day
Saturday:Open 24 hours a day


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