Fang Yuan Art Museum(方圓美術館)
Wednesday:Break time
Fang Yuan Art Museum(方圓美術館) is one of the hippest and beautiful buildings of Jiangjun District. It had two former uses; first it was Sui Garden, the residence of Jiangjun’s first township mayor, Huang Qing-wu, as well as being Sui Shen Hospital(遂生醫院) where Mayor Huang helped people and saved many lives. Built in 1944, the buildings most distinctive feature is that it a courtyard building with arches and corridors, a mix of eastern and western architectural styles that was very avant-garde at the time. After restoration by Fang-Yuan Culture and Arts Foundation, it was turned into an art museum which has a large collection of contemporary artworks. Mayor Huang’s study, some of his possessions and old photographs are displayed. Tourists can see the life taste of a hipster of the 1940 as well as viewing hip modern artworks.
TEL +886-6-7944351
FAX +886-6-7944353
Address Jiangjun Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C
Category Local Gallery、Culture
Open Hours Sunday:09:00 – 17:00
Monday:Break time
Tuesday:Break time
Wednesday:Break time
Thursday:09:00 – 17:00
Friday:09:00 – 17:00
Saturday:09:00 – 17:00