Houbi Xiajiadong Jingzhong Temple (後壁下茄苳旌忠廟)
Jingzhong Temple was built in 1791 and enshrines Yue Wu Mu Wang (Yue Fei) (岳武穆王(岳飛). It most special feature is its lottery poems, said to all be written by a monk who resides at the temple. The verses of the poems are all seven characters long. To understand the lottery poems, the representative figure and content of the allusion must first be understood. The lottery poems are a real test of people’s ability to understand Chinese ancient poetry. If you are interested, why not visit and challenge yourself?
TEL +886-6-6871672
Address Houbi Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C
Category Historic Sites、Religious Temples、Culture
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