Guanziling Dadong Mountain Trail(關子嶺大凍山步道)
At 1,241 meters above sea level, Dadong Mountain(大凍山) is Tainan's highest peak, and is one of Taiwan's top hundred small peaks. The climb usually starts from Ziyun Hall at Xianzu Temple(紫雲殿仙祖廟), and the trail takes around 3 to 5 hours in total. It is a great training ground for mountaineers, and is a favorite among the hikers of Tainan. The trail lies among a dense low-altitude broad-leaved forest landscape, at times entirely surrounded by either trees or bamboo. Walking along the trail, hikers can gaze at the Baihe and Luliao Reservoirs(白河水庫與鹿寮水庫) shining like a pair of mirrors, and Chiayi's Renhe Lake and Lantan (仁義潭及蘭潭) at the other end of the trail. When visibility is good, even the Taiwan Strait can be seen glistening in the distance.
TEL +886-5-2787006
Address Baihe Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C
Category Outdoor Sports
Open Hours Free entry, open all year round
Offical Site Offical Site
- Viewing Deck
- Public Restroom
- Parking Lot
- Hiking Trail