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Lotus Park(蓮花公園)




Baihe(白河)’s lotus fields can be seen all over the district. However, to see a host of lotuses in one place, Lotus Park(蓮花公園) is the place to for. The park has trails and other facilities, including a car park and toilets, making a visit very convenient. Visitors are presented with a magnificent sea of lotuses. When a breeze comes, the entire lotus field rises and falls gently like waves on the sea. The best place to view the lotuses is from the pavilion at the center of Lotus Pond. Sitting there, enjoying the unusual experience of being surrounded by lotuses, with lotus flowers close enough to touch, blue sky overhead and the lush greenery all around, this really is a VIP seat for viewing the lotuses. If your appetite for lotuses is not yet satisfied, then take a trip to one of the local lotus farms to buy lotus seeds, sit on a huge lotus leaf, and enjoy the famous lotus banquet of Baihe at a restaurant that takes your fancy. You’ll certainly go home satisfied.


TEL +886-6-6855102

Address Baihe Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Parks、Recreational Agriculture And Fishing

Open Hours Open all day long

Charge free


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