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Old Buffalo Home(老牛的家)

Wednesday:08:00 – 17:00





Liuying (柳營) is a rural village known as the home of milk. In the past it was common to see water buffalos helping farmers in the fields, so the locals have a unique connection with cattle. Due to changes over the years, water buffalo plowing has gradually become an historical sight, as many of the buffalo have become old. Old Buffalo Home (老牛的家) was founded to give the old buffalo a place to enjoy their later years following the retirement of many elderly farmers. The farmers always deliver their retired old buffalo to this place with teary eyes; they have strong emotional ties to their animals. Tourists will be told the stories of the village by Aba, who looks after the cows; this is a good place for edutainment.


TEL +886-6-6326301

Address Liuying Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Recreational Agriculture And Fishing

Open Hours Sunday:08:00 – 17:00
Monday:08:00 – 17:00
Tuesday:08:00 – 17:00
Wednesday:08:00 – 17:00
Thursday:08:00 – 17:00
Friday:08:00 – 17:00
Saturday:08:00 – 17:00


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