Anping Recreational Wharf(安平遊憩碼頭)
Apart from its historic buildings, the beauty of Anping as a harbor city can also be enjoyed through yacht cruises. Tour cruises are available from the recreational pier at the other end of Anyi Bridge. During the hour-long cruise, the guide will introduce all the shipping vessels you see along the way including the formidable DDG-925 "TeYang", the “Chenggong” replica junk, common fishing boats and luxurious million-dollar yachts. Other Anping Harbor attractions such as the Lin Mo-niang Memorial Park, the popular Sio House, Seaview Bridge and Yuguang Bridge can all be found during the cruise as well.
TEL 06-2281382
Address 運河路43號之1, Anping Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C
Category Natural View、Recreational Agriculture And Fishing