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The East Market(東市場)

Wednesday:06:00 – 13:30





The East Market on Qingnian Road first opened over a century ago in 1908, making its the grand-daddy of street markets.  The Fucheng Town God Temple and Dongyue Temple nearby as well as the traditional perception that the well-off frequented the East Market meant that it once thronged with beggars in earlier times. This led to East Market being also nicknamed “Hungry Square.”
Unlike traditional street markets were haggling was the rule, the merchants in East Market were particularly picky about their goods. Their confidence in the quality of their wares meant customers rarely haggled. This unique culture of reserve and mutual trust meant the East Market was also referred to as the “Market for the Upper Crust.”


TEL 06-2220899

Address 青年路164巷26號, West Central Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Leisure

Open Hours Sunday:06:00 – 13:30
Monday:Break time
Tuesday:06:00 – 13:30
Wednesday:06:00 – 13:30
Thursday:06:00 – 13:30
Friday:06:00 – 13:30
Saturday:06:00 – 13:30


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