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Yancheng Library(鹽埕圖書館)

Wednesday:08:00 – 20:30





Yangcheng Library looks like a crystal made up of stacked books symbolizing knowledge in a nod to its role and local background. The library will have a collection of 100,000 books including children’s books, fiction, sports and health. Audio-visual materials will also be available for the general public to borrow. Once complete, it will hopefully become the learning and lifestyle hub of the South District.
There are two must-see temples for visitors in the South District - The Beiji Temple and Tianhou Temple in Yancheng. The former is dedicated to Emperor Xuantian while the latter is dedicated to Mazu. Their history is closely intertwined with the area’s early salt field culture. Yancheng Office is just a short walk away. It was established by the Monopoly Bureau during the Japanese Period to manage the salt business.


TEL 06-2915291

Address 新和東路51號, South Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Local Gallery、Culture

Email tnmlg2@tnml.tn.edu.tw

Open Hours Sunday:08:00 – 20:30
Monday:Break time
Tuesday:09:00 – 17:00
Wednesday:08:00 – 20:30
Thursday:08:00 – 20:30
Friday:08:00 – 20:30
Saturday:08:00 – 20:30

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