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Changsheng Barracks Green Tree Tunnel(長勝營區綠色隧道)

Wednesday:Open 24 hours a day





When the Army moved out of the Changsheng Barracks it left behind many stories about military training and historic barrack room buildings. The green tree tunnel in particular was actually a military installation for providing cover to tanks in the early years.  The original plans for re-development would have damaged the tunnel ecology so the city government modified the urban development plan to preserve this patch of beautiful forest in northern Tainan. Today, Changsheng Barracks Green Tree Tunnel is a shaded boulevard lined by fig trees forming a rare U-shaped green tunnel.


Address 建業路200號, Xinying Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Parks

Open Hours Sunday:Open 24 hours a day
Monday:Open 24 hours a day
Tuesday:Open 24 hours a day
Wednesday:Open 24 hours a day
Thursday:Open 24 hours a day
Friday:Open 24 hours a day
Saturday:Open 24 hours a day

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