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Beimen Crystal Church(北門水晶教堂)

Thursday:09:30 – 17:30





There is no way of missing the minimalist Crystal Church near Beimen Visitor Center. Its exterior combines the flowing curves of the Sydney Opera House and the pristine clarity of the wedding chapel on Guam. Sparkling crystals are set into the white steel ribs rising from the shallow waters of the salt field. The way they reflect the light of the sun and the ripples in the water form a fantastic shrine to love and the dream wedding chapel for countless couples. The area surrounding the Crystal Church is studded with other romantic scenery as well making it a perfect for bridal photography.


TEL 06-7861000

Address 舊埕200號, Beimen Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Culture

Open Hours Sunday:09:30 – 18:30
Monday:09:30 – 17:30
Tuesday:09:30 – 17:30
Wednesday:09:30 – 17:30
Thursday:09:30 – 17:30
Friday:09:30 – 17:30
Saturday:09:30 – 18:30

Charge NTD$20

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