Tainan City Nanying Hakka Culture Museum(臺南市南瀛客家文化會館)
The Nanying Hakka Culture Museum is composed of two buildings sitting at lot 275, Minzi Section, Xinying District, Tainan City selected by the former Tainan County Government. Built and renovated with the budget of the Hakka Affairs Committee of the former Tainan County Government in 2005, the museum was officially unveiled on March 3, 2007. After the county-city merger, the Tainan City Government renamed it as the Tainan City Nanying Hakka Culture Museum on April 15, 2011. Sitting at the heart of Xinying District in Tainan City, the museum’s interior design in a strong Hakka style is open for public visit and a center for servicing locals, promoting Hakka culture, and organizing various training activities.
TEL +886-6-6337627
Address No. 96-27, Minquan Rd, Xinying Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C
Category Culture
Open Hours Tuesday~Sunday 09:00~12:00、13:30~17:00
Closed every Monday
Charge Free
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