Liuchong Riverbank Park (六重溪親水公園)
The Liuchong Riverbank Park is located at the confluence of the Sanchong River, the Liuchong River, and Jiuchong River. Through the concerted remediation effort of the Baihe District Office, it is the most complete natural riverbank park. When visiting to the Liuchong Riverbank Park, visitors should not miss the Liuchongxi community. With well preservation of considerable plain indigenous culture, there are lots of artefacts, both Han and plain indigenous artefacts. The Liuchong River has abundant water, thus attracting plain indigenous people to settle in site.
TEL +886-6-6855102
Address No. 28-3, Guanziling, Baihe Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C
Category Eco-Tour、Parks
Open Hours Open all day
Charge Free