Beimen Bromine Refinery(北門溴提塔)
Bromine is an important chemical widely used in fire retardants, extinguishing agents, refrigerants, medicine, pesticide, and chemical fertilizers. As a wartime supply during Japanese colonization, bromine was extracted from high-salinity seawater from the salt pan or refined from brine, bromine plants were built near salt plants. Nippon Soda, Nippon Salt, and Taiwan Development companies invested in the Anping Plant with branches in Beimen through joint-venturing in Anpign, Tainan City, in 1939. The Beimen Bromine Refinery was one of them.
TEL +886-6-7861017
Address 北門里舊埕3號, Beimen Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C
Category Culture
Open Hours 全年開放
Charge 免門票