Introduction to Sababoy, Mascot of the Tourism Bureau, Tainan City Government
Posted Date:2020-10-22

Every part of the milkfish can be turned into an array of delicious dishes. It is every milkfish’s mission in life to become as delicious as it can be.
I am a smart milkfish filled with enthusiasm. Born and raised in the fine shallow ponds of Tainan, my head is filled with Tainan trivia and local delicacies. I want to be more than just a great meal however... All the grand ambitions and great expectations in my head led to my making of a bold decision driven by passion...
I decided to leave my birthplace! However, to move about more easily, I decide to split my head from the body and meet the world in my fish-head form. I will also tell the world how great the food is in Taiwan and how wonderful a holiday in Tainan can be~!
I am... Sababoy!
🌟Home and Profile:
🐟Birthplace: Shallow Pond Fish Farm, Cigu, Tainan
🐟Mission: Let the whole world know about Tainan and fall in love with it
🐟Dream: Travel around the world making new friends
🐟Hobbies: Food, travel, street dancing, video games, sport
🐟Idols: Luffy (One Piece), Master Yoda
🐟Birthday/Starsign: June 11 / Gemini
- A keen observer filled with curiosity and a zest for learning. Always cheerful, enthusiastic, and clever. A prankster that often comes up with really bizarre ideas.
- His charisma means he has many friends
- An optimist by nature, he has keen instincts and works hard. He lives a carefree and lively existence.
- A frequent daydreamer that sometimes comes up with impractical dreams (e.g. becoming the first milkfish to colonize Mars)
- Extremely adaptable to all kinds of environments, and soon feels at home in new conditions.
- Loves fun and variety, so he is a frequent traveler who specializes in recreation.
- Is easily distracted by new things so often forgets what his current task is.
- Has a talent for writing and languages. He is also very sensitive to the latest fashions so always looks young and trendy
🌟Appearance for tourism promotion:
For most domestic and foreign tourists, their impression of Tainan beyond the historical buildings and great food is naturally the milkfish cuisine on offer everywhere. The rarely-seen “fish head” with its unique appearance is therefore emphasized. Unlike run-of-the-mill mascots that try to look cute, “Sababoy” takes a totally different route...
Turn around...
The distinctive, sectioned fish-head look means Sababoy leaves a very strong impression.
Different types of headgear are worn for different settings to represent Sababoy’s love of outdoor activities.