The Story of a Sixty-year-old Brand - A Shuei Bo
【阿水伯傳統手工包子】,創辦人李海水師傅,經歷【克林食品】、【百香餅家】、【富昌餅舖】、【丹比食品】,從國小畢業就已經接觸麵食業製作,從麵包學徒、糕餅師傅、開店經營,至今有一甲子功夫,而美食的製作涉及不同層面,跨足包子、糕餅、西點烘焙,節慶禮品等食品的製作,李海水師傅,因美食製作精湛,人稱阿水師、阿水伯,原民國 96 年丹比食品退休之後,準備含飴弄孫、享受天年之際,因不捨臺南傳統美食失傳,經全家商量由兒子與媳婦來傳承,以「阿水伯」的名號在安平重起爐灶。Hai-Shuei Li, the founder of A Shuei Bo Traditional Handmade Steamed Bun, had acquired the experience in Klin Company, Bai Siang Bakery, Fu Chang Bakery, and Dan Bi Food Company. He has been working in Chinese style dessert and pasta industry since he graduated from elementary school. Beginning as a bakery apprentice and turning into a pastry chef, Li has run his own shop for sixty years. Li’s culinary specialty ranges from bun-making, pastry and Western dessert baking to festival gift set producing. He is also known as “Master Shuei,”or “A Shuei Bo” for his refined culinary expertise. As soon as he retired from Dan Bi Food Company in 2007, Li planned to enjoy a cozy and comfortable life with his family. However, for fear of witnessing the disappearance of traditional Tainan delicacy, Li, designating his son and daughter-in-law to undertake his business after the family round table discussion, made a fresh start in pastry making under the name of A Shuei Bo in Anping.
阿水伯包子的經營,就是手工製作,沒有添加任何防腐劑,完全用老麵發酵,並且包子皮、內餡完全用 60 年前台南道地傳統工法製作,肉則是由市場每天運送至店裡加工,其中包子外皮手工捏法,完全反映手工包子細膩度,其製作過程完全需要用手工揉,並且包子皮要經過 10 小時老麵發酵後製作,因為能夠吸收胃酸,具有保護胃壁的作用。
The business concept of A Shuei Bo Steamed Bun is based on making buns from scratch. There is no preservative added, and the buns are made from fermented old dough. The bun dough and fillings follow the authentic Tainan traditional way used since sixty years ago. Pork is distributed directly from the market to the shop for process every day. Especially, the pinching technique of bun skin completely reflects the delicate quality of the handmade bun itself. The making process is thoroughly handmade., Besides, the old dough needs ten-hour fermentation. Thus it helps to absorb gastric acid and protect consumers’ stomach.
阿水伯包子理念,不僅在地實在經營,更是回饋鄉里,民國 29年次的李海水師傅,當年住在漁光島,上學赤腳要走一個小時多才能到鯤鯓的龍崗國小,當時家中沒有水、電,如果太晚回家,沒辦法寫作業,回憶當年可說相當艱苦,為鼓勵學生努力唸書,只要全台公、私立國中、小學生,憑當年學年度一百分考卷正本,就送一顆鮮肉包,也希望學生能珍惜時間唸書。
Based on running a local business with sincerity, A Shuei Bo Steamed Bun returns the favor to its community. Born in 1940, Hai-Shuei Li spent an hour walking to Long Gang Elementary School barefoot when he lived on Yu Guang Island. At that time, there was no water and electricity in his house. Thus he came home too late, he couldn’t do his homework. It was truly a hard time as well as a precious memory for him. To encourage students to study hard, Li offers free steam buns to students with proofs of full marks on any examination, no matter whether they were enrolled in public or private junior high or elementary schools. He sincerely hopes students can treasure the time of studying.
在安平經營期間,通過臺南市政府觀光旅遊局臺南問路店申請,並積極配合臺南市政府商展活動,包含臺南市商展、大新營購物節嘉年華商展、臺南市購物節、臺南市好蜜 e 點通、臺南市百家好店徵選等活動,並通過徵選 103 年臺南市商業現代化輔導計畫店家,接受雙語環境營造提供商品中英文標示與建立阿水伯包子形象官網加值品牌行銷,並於同年獲 OTOP 經濟部中小企業處推薦通過在地美食,在食品上利用椪餅結合足球、棒球、安平劍獅發揮文創,獲大陸官方人民日報,聯合報、中華日報、經濟日報的報導,受各界肯定。
While running the business in Anping, A Shuei Bo Steamed Bun successfully acquired the position as a tourist information center certified by Tourism Bureau of Tainan City Government. Li actively participated in many trade show events held by Tainan City Government, including Tainan Trade Show, Pan-Hsinying Shopping Carnival Trade Show, Tainan Shopping Festival, Tainan Good Stuff, The Competition of The Best Store in Tainan to name a few. Moreover, in 2014, A Shuei Bo Steamed Bun became the candidate for receiving the modern business transformation program in Tainan. The program aimed to assist the shop to build a bilingual store environment with products in both Chinese and English descriptions. Meanwhile, it also helped to recreate the image of A Shuei Bo Steamed Bun so as to launch its official website for marketing. In the same year, A Shuei Bo Steamed Bun was recommended as the best local food in OTOP (One Town On Product) Project supported by Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs. In terms of culture innovation, Li used the images of soccer, baseball and Anping Sword Lion to recreate the shape of Bun Cakes. In so doing, Li has gained his reputation, and his story was reported byRenmin Ribao(The People’s Daily in China), United Daily News,China Daily News and Economic Daily News.