請加入「古巷速客達」租車官方Line:https://lin.ee/AgfzBMv 或 電洽:0935-360-877
旅程之 驚喜與溫度 :
台南好好玩, 好好玩台南! 輕鬆自在地揹起行李, 說走就走。旅行就是這麼簡單愜意! ^^
台南最美的風景在巷弄,騎著最Smart 的Gogoro 穿梭其間,徹底感受古都的風華與新意!
The best way to explore the Most historic city in Taiwan is riding a E-bike.
You cannot imagine how surprising the sites you will see! Such a In-Depth Tour impresses everyone and feels like locals! Renting E-bike makes your trip eco and saves money and time!
Easy to Rent & License Free !
Service Introdution:
・User:over 18 years old.
・Our Working Hour:09:00 - 21:00 ( Sunday is 09:00 - 18:00)
*Please notice the picking time on the order memo!
Chenggong Rd.,
North Dist., Tainan City 704, Taiwan.
・Rental Time:24 hr.
・Overtime Fee:TWD $100/hr